It looks like our much anticipated "breaking ground day" will be delayed just a little bit. The graders are behind and most likely won't be able to start until tomorrow or Monday, at the latest. It's disappointing to delay but it was actually convenient for everyone- the water truck was madly catching up from a broken truck and was struggling to get to us before the graders (the water truck will wet the ground so it is easier to dig) and we had some last minute trees to get down that we now have time to do ourselves instead of paying someone to rush out and do it for us.

This whole week has been an intense rush of last minute details- running around paying school fees and fire fees so that the final permits could be issued, hauling wheel barrows full of rocks and logs out of the way of the tractor work, cutting down trees and manzanita bushes, and dragging lots and lots of limbs, trees and brush into a huge pile to get it out of the way.
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